Monday, December 20, 2010

Pergola is up...

Sunny morning and the work has begun...

3 men and a hammer...

Well it takes a little more than just hammers...

Dig just a little deeper!

That looks about right...

All coming together.

She is up and I love it.

There she is.  This spring we will be putting in a slab, then furniture, then I suppose I will make curtains to finish it off.  What Fun it will be drinking a glass of iced tea under this big beauty!


  1. Love this! Did you design it or order it? Looks great!

  2. Thank you! No we were going to make our own design but it ended up being cheaper thru Lowe's...I loved your blog! I repurpose a lot of things and have them all over my house and yard, but I never take photos...I hope to get better at that this year.
